onsdag 6. november 2013

Viking grave

The myklebust ship 

Remains of a burned viking ship of about 25 m in length was found in one of the several grave mounds at the Myklebust farm in Nordfjordeid, Norway.The Myklebust ship is the biggest viking ship found in Norway. Excavated in 1874. The ship was burnt in the funeral of a mighty viking.
The Viking grave
The grave mound "Rundehogjen" or "Lorange's mound" in Nordfjordeid which conceiled the burned remains of the "Myklebust" ship, excavated in 1874. A second mound, "Skjoratippen" or "Shetelig's mound" is seen to the right in the background, excavated in 1903. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKHNxVrDDMk  < this is a documentary about the viking grave.
http://home.online.no/~joeolavl/viking/myklebustskipet.htm  < source

some of the remains after the grave
The remains of the ship are exhibited in Bergen Museum, University of Bergen, Norway.          large quantities of burnt bones of animals were also found. there were bones from one or two horses in the grave. In the viking age graves we often find farm animals such as dogs, horses, sheep or goats, pigs, cows and oxen.

this bronzefigure was found in the grave and
is called "myklebustmannen" or in english "The myklebust

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